A Hero’s Journey
From misaligned and depressed to aligned and expressed
While I’ve always considered myself a serial adventurer—of life, business, and sport—there was a time when I didn’t fully embrace the challenger life. Like every protagonist in the classic epics we know and love, I experienced a season of uncertainty and disillusionment over what had become my “ordinary world.” I was a successful businessman by society’s standards. But somewhere along the way, I had lost my passion and my “why.” I wasn’t pursuing the things that really mattered to me in life and was instead living the life that I believed others expected of me. I wanted a way to rediscover myself and reprioritize my values. I wanted personal and professional transformation. I wanted a way to help others facing similar struggles and to experience meaningful adventure…
That’s when my idea for OPEN SPACE came into being—a business that would challenge other professionals (and myself for that matter) to lead fuller, more rewarding lives. Now I’ll admit, I didn’t answer the call to adventure right away. But after lingering on the safe ledge for a while, reading book after book about leadership, growth, and purposeful living, I finally realized that no one was going to give me the answer… I couldn’t have both safe and exciting… I couldn’t move forward if I refused to make a choice… And I couldn’t help people from a powerful place unless I first took the journey myself.
So I did. I experienced the transformative power of time, space, and support. I started leading the challenger life. And now I can help you do the same.