You are better than you think you are, you can do more than you think you can.
— Ken Chlouber, Founder of the Leadville 100


Business leaders working together outside the boardroom and beyond the golf course.
Too many of us have been programmed to solely focus on our careers. We begin working right after college and never look back – until we reach forty, fifty or sixty years of age.  And all too often we regret what we’ve missed.  We see friends and family getting sick and dying and realize how fragile and uncontrollable life really is. We say we’ll change our priorities, but we don’t. We get caught up in the pace of life. We get burned out and our creativity is stifled.  We often feel a void and a need to reset our priorities and recharge. 

We need more peak experiences that open the door to flow – the state of being in the zone – where mind and body are one.  Where one must bring 100% awareness and attention to the task at hand. For these moments nothing else exists. These kind of experiences push boundaries, boost self esteem and affirm that you are truly alive. 


Health and fitness have been marginalized in our society.  How’s that working out?

It’s obvious – mankind is getting soft physically due to a combination of many factors. Sadly, today’s youngest generation is projected to be the first whose life expectancy is shorter than their parents.  This despite our advances in healthcare.  We must regain control of our health. It’s not about simply existing in life – it’s about thriving! Making choices and living a truly rich and textured life.  If you’re healthy and fit, you have more choices and more freedom to experience life to the fullest.  Is your body a source of vitality and strength or an anchor that limits you?


Too many business leaders have forgotten how to play.

We can learn a lot from watching kids. One lesson is that play is important. Unfortunately, as adults, play has been programmed out of us.  It’s a shame because it’s simply a choice that we’ve unconsciously made.  And as we play less, we are less physical, less capable and much less fun to be around. We’ve been programmed to believe that we will play or relax when we retire. Well, there’s no guarantee we’ll make it to retirement. Sickness and illness don’t discriminate and we are all potentially in the crosshairs. We must consciously break this pattern and make the most of our good health and challenge ourselves to rediscover the magic of adventurous play.